शुक्रवार, 29 अप्रैल 2011


मूल स्लोकः

सञ्जय उवाच

एवमुक्त्वा हृषीकेशं गुडाकेशः परन्तप।

न योत्स्य इति गोविन्दमुक्त्वा तूष्णीं बभूव ह।।2.9।।

English translation by Swami Sivananda
2.9 Sanjaya said -- Having spoken thus to Hrishikesha (the Lord of the senses), Arjuna (the conqueror of sleep), the destroyer of foes, said to Krishna, "I will not fight" and became silent.

English commentary by Swami Sivananda
2.9 एवम् thus, उक्त्वा having spoken, हृषीकेशम् to Hrishikesha, गुडाकेशः Arjuna (the conqueror of sleep), परन्तप destroyer of foes, न योत्स्ये I will not fight, इति thus, गोविन्दम् to Govinda, उक्त्वा having said, तूष्णीम् silent, बभूव ह became.No commentary.

Hindi translation by Swami Ram Sukhdas
सञ्जय बोले - हे शत्रुतापन धृतराष्ट्र! ऐसा कहकर निद्राको जीतनेवाले अर्जुन अन्तर्यामी भगवान् गोविन्दसे ' मैं युद्ध नहीं करूँगा' ऐसा स्पष्ट कहकर चुप हो गये ।।2.9।।

Hindi commentary by Swami Ramsukhdas
एवमुक्त्वा हृषीकेषम् ... बभूव ह -- अर्जुनने अपना और भगवान्का -- दोनोंका पक्ष सामने रखकर उनपर विचार किया, तो अन्तमें वे इसी निर्णयपर पहुँचे कि युद्ध करनेसे तो अधिक-से-अधिक राज्य प्राप्त हो जायगा, मान हो जायगा, संसारमें यश हो जायगा, परन्तु मेरे हृदयमें जो शोक है, चिन्ता है, दुःख है, वे दूर नहीं होंगे। अतः अर्जुनको युद्ध न करना ही ठीक मालूम दिया।यद्यपि अर्जुन भगवान्की बातका आदर करते हैं और उसको मानना भी चाहते हैं; परंतु उनके भीतर युद्ध करनेकी बात ठीक-ठीक जँच नहीं रही है। इसलिये अर्जुन अपने भीतर जँची हुई बातको ही यहाँ स्पष्टरूपसे, साफ-साफ कह देते हैं कि ' मैं युद्ध नहीं करूँगा'। इस प्रकार जब अपनी बात, अपना निर्णय भगवान्से साफ-साफ कह दिया, तब भगवान्से कहनेके लिये और कोई बात बाकी नहीं रही; अतः वे चुप हो जाते हैं।सम्बन्ध -- जब अर्जुनने युद्ध करनेके लिये साफ मना कर दिया, तब उसके बाद क्या हुआ -- इसको सञ्जय आगेके श्लोकमें बताते हैं ।।2.9।।

Sanskrit commentary by Sri Sankaracharya
2.9 Sri Sankaracharya did not comment on this sloka. The commentary starts from 2.10.

English translation by Swami Gambhirananda (on Sri Sankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary)
2.9 Sri Sankaracharya did not comment on this sloka. The commentary starts from 2.10.

Hindi translation by Sri Harikrishandas Goenka (on Sri Sankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary)
No such translation is available. Translation starts from 2.10 ।।2.9।।

Sanskrit commentary by Sri Ramanuja
संजय उवाच -- एवं अस्थाने समुपस्थितस्नेहकारुण्याभ्याम् अप्रकृतिं गतं क्षत्रियाणां युद्धं परमं धर्मम् अपि अधर्मं मन्वानं धर्मबुभुत्सया च शरणागतं पार्थम् उद्दिश्य आत्मयाथात्म्यज्ञानेन युद्धस्य फलाभिसन्धिरहितस्य स्वधर्मस्य आत्मयाथार्थ्यप्राप्त्युपायताज्ञानेन च विना अस्य मोहो न शाम्यति इति मत्वा भगवता परमपुरुषेण अध्यात्मशास्त्रावतरणं कृतम्। तदुक्तम्'अस्थाने स्नेहकारुण्यधर्माधर्मधियाकुलम्। पार्थं प्रपन्नमुद्दिश्य शास्त्रावतरणं कृतम्।।' (गीतार्थसंग्रह 5) इति।।तम् एवं देहात्मनोः याथात्म्यज्ञाननिमित्तशोकाविष्टं देहातिरिक्तात्मज्ञाननिमित्तिं च धर्मं भाषमाणं परस्परं विरुद्धगुणान्वितम् उभयोः सेनयोः युद्धाय उद्युक्तयोः मध्ये अकस्मात् निरुद्योगं पार्थम् आलोक्य परमपुरुषः प्रहसन् इव इदम् उवाच। परिहासवाक्यं वदन् इव आत्मपरमात्मयाथात्म्यतत्प्राप्त्युपायभूतकर्मयोगज्ञानयोगभक्तियोगगोचरम्'न त्वेवाहं जातु नासम्' (गीता 2।12) इत्यारभ्य'अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः।' (गीता 18।66) इत्येतदन्तम् उवाच इत्यर्थः ।।2.9।।

English translation by Swami Adidevananda (on Sri Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary)
2.9 - 2.10 Sanjaya said -- Thus, the Lord, the Supreme Person, introduced the Sastra regarding the self for the sake of Arjuna --- whose natural courage was lost due to love and compassion in a misplaced situation, who thought war to be unrighteous even though it was the highest duty for warriors (Ksatriyas), and who took refuge in Sri Krsna to know what his right duty was ---, thinking that Arjuna's delusion would not come to an end except by the knowledge of the real nature of the self, and that war was an ordained duty here which, when freed from attachment to fruits, is a means for self-knowledge. Thus, has it been said by Sri Yamunacarya: 'The introduction to the Sastra was begun for the sake of Arjuna, whose mind was agitated by misplaced love and compassion and by the delusion that righteousness was unrighteousness, and who took refuge in Sri Krsna.'The Supreme Person spoke these words as if smiling, and looking at Arjuna, who was thus overcome by grief resulting from ignorance about the real nature of the body and the self, but was nevertheless speaking about duty as if he had an understanding that the self is distinct from the body, and while he (Arjuna), torn between contradictory ideas, had suddenly become inactive standing between the two armies that were getting ready to fight. Sri Krsna said, as if in ridicule, to Arjuna the words beginning with, 'There never was a time when I did not exist' (II. 12), and ending with 'I will release you from all sins; grieve not!' (XVIII. 66) --- which have for their contents the real nature of the self, of the Supreme Self, and of the paths of work (Karma), knowledge (Jnana) and devotion (Bhakti) which constitute the means for attaining the highest spiritual fulfilment.

Sanskrit commentary by Sri Vallabhacharya
एवमुक्त्वाऽर्जुनः किं कृतवानित्यपेक्षायां सञ्जय उवाच -- एवमिति। गुडाका निद्रा, तस्या ईशः तन्द्रारहितोऽपि, गुडाऽलको वा। सर्वेन्द्रियाध्यक्षं गोविन्दं शरणागतः व्रजेन्द्रमिति।'न योत्स्ये' इत्युक्त्वा तूष्णीं बभूव ह ।।2.9।।

Sanskrit commentary by Sri Madhusudan Saraswati
तदनन्तरमर्जुनः किं कृतवानिति धृतराष्ट्राकाङ्क्षायां गुडाकेशो जितालस्यः परंतपः शत्रुतापनोऽर्जुनः हृषीकेशं सर्वेन्द्रियप्रवर्तकत्वेनान्तर्यामिणं गोविन्दं गां वेदलक्षणां वाणीं विन्दतीति व्युत्पत्त्या सर्ववेदोपादानत्वेन सर्वज्ञम्। आदौ एवं'कथं भीष्ममहं संख्ये' इत्यादिना युद्धस्वरूपायोग्यतामुक्त्वा, तदनन्दरं'न योत्स्ये' इति युद्धफलाभावं चोक्त्वा, तूष्णीं बभूव। बाह्येन्द्रियव्यापारस्य युद्धार्थं पूर्वं कृतस्य निवृत्त्या निर्व्यापारो जात इत्यर्थः। स्वभावतो जितालस्ये सर्वशत्रुतापने च तस्मिन्नागन्तुकमालस्यमतापकत्वं च नास्पदमादधातीति द्योतयितुं हशब्दः। गोविन्दहृषीकेशपदाभ्यांसर्वज्ञत्वसर्वशक्तित्वसूचकाभ्यां भगवतस्तन्मोहापनोदनमनायाससाध्यमिति सूचितम् ।।2.9।।

Sanskrit commentary by Sri Madhvacharya
Sri Madhvacharya did not comment on this sloka. The commentary starts from 2.11. ।।2.9।।

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

एक टिप्पणी भेजें